Refining NZ

Refining NZ operates New Zealand’s only oil refinery at Marsden Point, Whangarei, producing all of the country's jet fuel, nearly 80% of its diesel requirements, and around half of all petrol used. The principal means of transport for bulk fuel from the refinery to the Auckland region is the 'Refinery to Auckland' pipeline, also owned and operated by Refining NZ.

ChanceryGreen acted for Refining NZ in seeking designations for the Refinery to Auckland pipeline, to provide additional and enhanced protection for the facility against future changes in land use and development that could compromise its ongoing security and integrity. ChanceryGreen led the Refining NZ team through consecutive Council hearings over the length of the pipeline. All Councils recommended that the designations be approved, and Refining NZ issued its decisions confirming the designations, protecting the pipeline subject to conditions.

ChanceryGreen advises Refining NZ on all environmental matters, including compliance, risk management, hazardous substance management, climate change matters and resource consenting. ChanceryGreen is currently assisting Refining NZ with a coastal dredging project to enable more efficient use of its terminal. 

Posted on May 31, 2017 .